Nunthorpe History Group  - welcomes you!

Nunthorpe History Group was established some years ago by the late Bob Mullen who, with a number of residents with an interest in the history of Nunthorpe, set up a website and an an archive of historical documents, maps and photographs.

Sadly the old website has been lost but  newer  technology has also emerged, and this new beginning of a new website aims  to take advantage of the new technology.

We hope that with help from others with an interest in our history in Nunthorpe, we can make this website flourish for the benefit of all and, to be valued by current and future residents as well our young people. Others can see a little of our interesting history here too.

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NHG - update

We hope to re-commence meetings/talks after the elections on 4th May . There have been challenges in using the Institute as a venue   due to accessibility . However, there appears to be good news that there will be a new Community Centre on Stokesley Road but this will be as much as a year away. We will look at other venues, principally the Church Halls but other suggestions welcome. We are also hoping to have a display cabinet at the new GP Surgery too.

Nunthorpe History Group talks start again !

We had an amazing, interesting, fascinating presentation by the Time Traveller, Martin Peagam on the subject of Diet, Disease and Death  and Captain James Cook  on Wednesday 19th October.  By coincidence, Martin was to meet  the Cook Islands Rugby League team ( playing in the Boro) at the Captain Cook  Museum in Stewart Park a few days later. Captain Cook had visited the Islands and had been very careful in his diplomatic approach - better than later visitors! ( Note the anti scurvy diet!)

Conveyance of Lady Harrison's Field, Nunthorpe 1962 - in the North Riding

This document was found in the Teesside Archives by our very own Ian Proctor, as he was researching all things Nunthorpe, though he has an interest in sport, cricket in particular. This  field (on Guisborough Road)  which was 8.57 acres was once a polo field, with ponies being brought to the field by train to nearby Nunthorpe Station. This document is the conveyance to the  trustees ( now the NMPFA)  with various conditions. 

Archive subjects   


 Photos - old and new 


Maps - through the years
Maps through the ages - a selection

Historical documents 


Personal stories 

The way we were 

 Helping in different ways 

You could help us in small ways - for example what was the date and location of this photograph or can you add captions or details to any others? 
You might :-
  • share photos, records, or Nunthorpe reminiscences?
  • have IT skills, or be able to help with this website 
  • help with archiving or photographic skills -
  •  but any small degree of support  even for a short period should  be satisfying as we try to preserve our history for future generations
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